Our Team
Mary B. Barrett M.V.B.
Mary graduated from The Veterinary College in U.C.D., and has completed a two-year Post-Graduate study in Small Animal Medicine and a Diploma in Pet Psychology.
Mary has a keen interest in surgical cases; particularly abdominal, soft tissue, tumor and opthalmology cases.
Mary also specialises in animal behaviour and is always on hand with any tips you may need in regards to training your pet.
Gemma B. Roche R.V.N.
Graduated in 2010, Gemma is one of our Veterinary Nurses, specialising in small animal medicine.
Gemma is also the Practice Manager for both Newcastle West Pet Vet Clinic and our sister Clinic in Kantoher.
Joanne Steer R.V.N.
Graduated in 2011, Joanne is a Veterinary Nurse, specialising in small animal surgical nusing and anaesthesia.
Joanne is a Certified Pet Health Counsellor with a keen interest in nutrition and weight management, and is also a Qualified Groomer.
No. 9 Bridewell Lane,
Newcastle West,
Co. Limerick
T 069 69942
Email : newcastlewestpetvetclinic@hotmail.com
Facebook: Newcastlewest Petvet

Opening hours
Mon to Fri 9am - 7 pm
Sat 9am - 5pm
Walk in clinic 5pm - 7pm Monday - Friday
or book an appointment time.
Outside these hours we operate a 24 hour
emergency service 7 days a week,
phone 069 69942.